Section on Matters of Academic Self-Administration - K3
Students on campus © Philipp Arnoldt
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Committee members wanted: There are vacant seats on many academic self-governance committees.
Your way into the committee

Academic Self-Administration - An Introduction

Berlin's institutions of higher education are managed according to the principles of academic self-administration. Self-administration or self-governance is a university’s right to make decisions independent of the state or federal government in areas such as:

  • University bodies and scientific institutions
  • Designing teaching, studies, and research
  • University examinations, doctorates, and Habilitations
  • Professorial appointments
  • The advancement of junior scholars

The central organs of self-administration are the Board of Trustees, Extended Academic Senate, Academic Senate, Faculty Boards, and the institute councils. 

The Section on Matters of Academic Self-Administration undertakes the legal supervision of the bodies on behalf of the Executive Board to ensure they act in accordance with legal regulations. The Section also advises committees. It is a staff unit of the Office of the Vice President for Administration (K3).

Overview of responsibilities

Commitees - Offices

This page provides an overview of the committees at TU Berlin as well as the offices of the central committees we advise.

Election Office

Elections for academic self-governance committees are conducted by the University’s Central Election Committee unless otherwise determined.

Official Gazette

The Official Gazette is TU Berlin’s central instrument for publishing statutes and other important resolutions and decisions of the University’s committees.

Templates & Additional Information

On this page you’ll find templates and additional information on various topics including compensation for participation, resources for committee members, and the plans for the advancement of women.

Upcoming events