Business Administration – Finance and Investment

Regulations, contacts and links

Information links for selected study programs

Economics / VWL

All information on the Economics and Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL) programs can be found on the pages of the Faculty Economics and Management.


Nachhaltiges Management (Sustainable Management)

All information on the Nachhaltiges Management (Sustainable Management) programs can be found on the pages of the Faculty Economics and Management.



Industrial Economics

All information on the Industrial Economics program can be found on the pages of the Faculty Economics and Management.

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Industrial Engineering and Management)

All information on the Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Industrial Engineering and Management) programs can be found on the pages of the GK WiIng (in german).

Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems Management)

Wirtschaftsmathematik (Business Mathematics)